Automated communications

The SM Lab team specializes in developing feature-rich chatbots and robotic process solutions. Our experienced team will help automate most routine business operations: customer support, routine operations, and the processing of standard queries. We focus on creating personalized, adaptable solutions that will always meet your business requirements and the demands of your customers.

For all solutions deployed, we will provide user training and technical support.

Sports assistant

Sportmaster Sports Assistant is a smart service for providing customers with automated, expert advice via text and voice chat messages.

Thanks to the automated responses to client queries, the customer service workload was greatly reduced. The implementation of product selection in chat and automated consultations led to an increase in sales.

The service works with a large number of simultaneous client sessions, no less than 200,000 per day.

Technology stack
Java Kotlin JavaScript Vue Kafka MongoDB Kubernetes ElasticSearch Redis
Project steps
STAGE 1: Preparation

Requirements specification

Interviews, discussions


Technical requirements and assessment

Project infrastructure and architecture definition


UX development

User experience design



A wireframe is a diagram that displays all the app screens and the transitions between them

STAGE 2: Development

MVP development

MVP (minimum viable product) is a product with just enough features to collect feedback and quickly modify the code


UI development

User interface design



A stable release ready for deployment.


Improvement and support

Tech support and consulting